Talitha Seibel – Marginal Moms

Buckwheat Pumpkin Pancakes w/ Fresh Coffee Syrup- Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free (RECIPE)

I’m slowly moving over posts from my other blogs to let them go and consolidate so I can focus everything here.  Organizing and decluttering at it’s best!  This is a recipe I shared for Father’s Day a few years ago. Enjoy!
More pumpkin recipes:
Punkin’ Budder in The Crock Pot 
Gluten Free Pumpkin Muffins- They Made My Husband Call Me a Liar

Pancakes were my dad’s “deal”.    You know how your father had that one thing he would cook? That thing that was always his and he took pride in? Dad would wake up on Saturdays and  let my mom take a break while he made pancakes for the whole family. And let me tell ya, with 10 kids that was a LOT of pancakes. He would stand at the stove like he was an on duty fireman, chest puffed out with pride as he flipped pancakes bigger than my head into the perfect golden perfection. By the time he was done there were multiple 12 inch high stacks of them lines up on the counter top, waiting to be devoured…..I loved eating my dad’s pancakes. Sort of…
Even as a child I spent the whole day feeling like I was going to throw up after “enjoying” them. Every time I ate them.  It was so frustrating and I felt so guilty after knowing how hard my dad worked to make them as a “treat” for us.  By the time I was a teenager I had given up and sworn off pancakes.  Wouldn’t even bother making them, ordering them, eating them and never knew why they made me so stinkin’ ill.
Well, here I am several years later able to enjoy pancakes again. And you know why? What was the magic answer? Because they’re gluten free! I look back at so many experiences like that with food that I ignored… I. Had. No. Idea….
Dad would do something else special for us.  I would stand aside, watching, until he was done with the last of  of the monstrous, fluffy disks of goodness.  He would scrape the last of the batter down and call me over. With my daddy’s arms around me at only 4 and 5 years old, he taught me how to pour the tiniest, itty-bittiest of perfect orbs. . He would help me flip them and put them on a little side plate for me to “feed” to my Cabbage Patch Doll, Tabitha.  And off I ran feeling like these tiny pancakes were the most amazing thing in the world. I don’t have my father’s talent for making pancakes the size of the plate, but the dolly cakes are a precious tradition that I’ve carried on with my babies.  Dad didn’t even know what he started!  We pull out the sweet little tea set that Aunt Gracie sent from Germany when Selah was born to make it especially memorable!

So, here is my gluten free Buckwheat pancake recipe… And, with all that sappy nostalgia, did I mention that they’re scrumptious?

Buckwheat Pumpkin Pancakes

Whisk together:
2 eggs, beaten
3/4 c. pumpkin ( can substitute sweet potato or butternut squash)
2 T. honey
1 T. coconut (or other) oil
1 t. vanilla
1 1/2 c. buckwheat flour
3/4 c. rice flour
1 1/2 T. baking powder
1/2 t. guar gum
1/2 t. salt
1 1/2 T. pumpkin pie spice (or 1 1/2 t. cinnamon, 1/2 t. ginger, 1/2 t. allspice, 1/4 t. nutmeg)
Mix together and add coconut milk  one splash  at a time, until you get the consistency you like. I prefer thinner pancake batter and sometimes use 1/2 to 1 cup of milk. Depends on the day, and my mood, and which kids are helping because they all have little opinions as well.
But wait! We like our coffee fresh and hot.  Why not the same with syrup?  And what good is a plate full of steaming hot pancakes if you don’t have your coffee, too?
I don’t buy syrup, because this is da BOMB.  Yeah, that’s what I said. This is what we had growing up.  My mother never ever had store bought syrup. She made this all of the time and I just loved it! By the time I was 9 years old, I was making they syrup while my dad made the pancakes.

Fresh Coffee Syrup

In small saucepan, combine:
1 cup leftover coffee
2 1/2 cups raw sugar (Sure, use the white stuff if you’re not me. It’s fine)
Bring to a boil, stirring constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved.  Let boil for 5-8 minutes until it has “boiled down” to a thicker syrup, stirring regularly. It will thicken more as it cools.  Let cool before use.  If you don’t want the full coffee flavor, add 1 teaspoon of vanilla after it has cooled some.   Coffee syrup can be stored in a tightly sealed container for several weeks. No high fructose corn syrup, no artificial dyes or preservatives.. what’s not to love? On lazy days, I like to pour a spoonful into a glass of almond milk and drink it iced… Mmmmm…..

Now make yo’ pancakes and slap some shuga on ‘em like yo daddy would!


2 thoughts on “Buckwheat Pumpkin Pancakes w/ Fresh Coffee Syrup- Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Soy Free (RECIPE)

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