Talitha Seibel – Marginal Moms

My Body was Broken, but My Soul Has Turned The Corner

About every time I left the house over the last few months, I had this conversation. Someone: “How ARE you doing?”Me: “Well, at this point I’m “faking well”  pretty well, so that feels like an improvement.”Someone: “Ok…” I am just no good at saying “fine”.  I never ever will be. 

The Up-shot Angle of a Child’s View

Lil Bit: Mama, I made you a bowl of soup, so you don’t forget to eat lunch. I made the chips look like a rose! Sometimes we underestimate their awareness, the small things that they take note of. It is as if from that lower vantage point they see us

OOTD: Iron Chef Prairie Girl Meets Her Inner Yoda

Today I managed to survive a conference call, take my tribe to the homeschool park day and also to Orchestra.  Doesn’t sound impressive? Keep in mind that orchestra requires 5 music stands and 5 violins to be taken to the car, transported, and relocated to a classroom through hallways lined with

A Love Letter To Normals, From Fibromyalgia

This is a letter written by someone recently diagnosed.  It is a beautifully open letter that shows the struggle emotionally with accepting this as “real” that I have been through myself.  Her description of the struggles is so raw and real to me.   I live her experience, too. I

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