Honestly, I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing. None.
However, I DO know that I’m going start working my margins and sharing a message.
What? Yeah, you’ll see.
For today, my margins included a to-do list of finding a spot to sit and talk WITH YOU!
This video is really bad, and I’m just not into figuring out how to edit it. You get it as is.
You are welcome.

My cheap-as-Walmart laptop must have the worst camera ever, but I didn’t know it because I’ve never used it before. I’ll figure that out eventually.
Anyway, I took a walk with no makeup on and in my pajamas, early this morning to find where I want to sit and talk.
I think we found it.
Also, the hoodie was mine.
Just Another Marginal Mom, celebrating her awkward
In other news, I’m learning from my kid how to start a YouTube Channel for our Porch Talks and don’t even have ONE subscriber yet. Wanna be one?