Oh, how I love April Fool’s Day. Wait. I suppose it’s more of a love/hate kinda thing. I HATE being lied to, hate surprises, hate tricks…. but something about April Fools day makes me immune on this day every year. I may be the only person you know, other than celebrities with a rep’ to protect, who actually plans out their April Fool’s Day in advance.
So here it is, my children’s breakfast.
Now for a closer look…
Those hash brown look so delicious, right? Until you eat a bite and realize they are chopped apples sprinkled with cinnamon and roasted.
The eggs are always over easy around here. That’s how my kids love them, and me, too. Yet THESE eggs are actually Greek yogurt spread on the plate… with two apricot halves on top.
And the juice….oh that delicious looking apple cider… such a treat in this house… somethin’ is goin’ down…
Or is it that something is up with dat?
In reality, I do hate surprises and pranks. But I like jokes and sarcasm. And the real bottom line is that I struggle with gossip and the avoidance thereof All. Year. Long. So one day a year I give myself a break and decide to start some fun drama and gossip, about myself. I plan for it and look forward to it.
This year, I am two weeks out from a major surgery and still in recovery. I’ve been intentionally vague about it on my personal FB page but people are still curious. Some even asking what I had ON the page very publicly. That’s fine. I just ignored the question until today. And today I get to have fun with it. I posted that I had a nose job, weight loss surgery and then a sex change. 🙂
As for the kids, they loved their Fool’s Breakfast. I scheduled dentist appointments for them 6 months ago for today, all four of them. I did not consider the timing, either of April Fool’s Day OR of it being the day after Easter with all of their candy binging. And I sure as heck didn’t expect to be just barely human after surgery!
They still think I’m joking. They most likely will until I pull up in front of the office, park the car and tell them to get out. “Really, Mom?!?!?”
Yep, that’s how I roll. Take it how it comes.
Happy April Fool’s Day, y’all!!!!! What are you doing today? Share in the comments below. I want to know! Preparing for next year and all…